The children’s ministry program strives to instill the importance of putting God first in their lives to every child that comes to any of our activities/events. Children are the future of the church and it is our duty to teach them about God and what he has in store for their futures. If we don’t teach them to follow God, the world will teach them not to. Church, from the beginning of their lives, needs to be a place where they want to come. Our mission is for children to have church imbedded in their souls. It should be a place where they come to worship, learn, have fun, and make new friendships.
R.S. Lee, the author of “Your Growing Children and Religion” shared the following-
“The first seven years of life constitute the period for laying the foundations of religion. This is the most important period in the whole of a person’s life in determining his later religious attitudes.”
What a profound statement! That is what drives us each time we interact with the children. We understand the significance of implanting these values early on.
All of our teachers and helpers are trained annually on how to work with children. For children up to 5th grade, we offer the following activities/events:
Sunday School 9:45am
Children’s Church Sundays 11am
Team Kid Wednesday 6:45pm
Children’s Choir Sundays 11am
5th Sunday Fun Day- Every 5th Sunday we have special celebration for our children during the entire 11 o’clock worship service!
Easter Celebration, Vacation Bible School, Fall Festival, Christmas Program, Summer Church Camp, and Children’s Rally!